by Canine Arthritis And Joint
Did you know that 90% of ALL dogs will get arthritis in their lifetime? If your dog is over 6-months to one year old, please start them on a very good preservative free supplement. Your pocket book and dog will love you for it later. If your dog has had any type of trauma or injury, does any type of agility or repetitive exercises, your dog should be on a joint supplement. When playing with your dog, don't tug on any part of the body too hard. For example, playing tug a war with your dog will put some stress on the neck and possibly pull the spinal bones out of line causing injury. Don't forget to make sure you have studied the breed of dog you have and know the genetic history concerning hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease and alike. If your breed is susceptible to diseases of the joints, take action now. There is so much to do to keep your dog moving way into his/her teen years. And again, don't forget the diet. Remove kibble from the diet. Reduce all vaccines, medications, change to organic all natural lawn fertilizers, use all natural flea and tick repellents and shampoos. Do not apply topical flea and tick killers. They ARE Killers to your dog. Now what I would like to discuss today is, what makes our dogs go from bouncy and pain free to all of a sudden in pain and can't move in an dog that has some arthritis. Well if you haven't pin pointed what causes a flare up, take a look at everything you have done for your dog. If you haven't missed anything mentioned above, then consider other things, for example the weather. The weather wreaks havoc on us humans and it affects our pets the same. A lot of the time the barometric pressure can drop causing the body to react and the joints will start to ache. Damp days of humidity followed by cold fronts is a big aggravator. It can start a few days earlier, so if you know it's coming, give a little extra joint supplement, therapy, and/or massage a day or two before this arrives. |
If your dog has some type of infection going on, say the ear or tooth, expect the joints to become inflamed and cause pain and swelling in the arthritic joints. Any time you have an infection, it causes bacteria to travel throughout the body and affect the weakest parts of the body. If your dog has itchy skin with lesions or is inflamed and red, expect the joints to be hurting as well.
EVERYTHING that happens to one part of body, affects the rest of the body. Bacteria attacks weak points in the body's system. The best thing you can do for your dog is keep his system strong. Vaccines, medications (including NSAIDs) and poor diet breaks down the immune system and causes illness and disease. And these diseases can be serious like diabetes, seizures, loss of use in hind legs and even skin allergies. So it is best to build the immune system up, keep it strong and always be prepared for when/if your dog starts hurting in his/her joints. Medications like NSAIDs actually break down the cartilage in joints causing more joint problems. These medications are nothing more than a band-aid to the problem. To fix the problem or lesson it, you need a strong system. You can't do it if you're feeding a poor diet, giving vaccines yearly, and using highly toxic chemicals on your dog and yard. (Don't forget filtered water). Your dog will only become sicker. Is it worth all the pain, suffering and needless to say the expense of vet bills of a sick dog? So have a list of what is specific to your dog as how to care for your dog daily and then prepare for the worst days when something goes wrong. If your dog has a heart problem, giving herbs for the heart can also work for the arthritis. Some herbs are good for many different uses and you will find that when you're helping the heart, you may be helping the joints. |
As I said, the body works in sync and you have to treat every issue so not to affect the other. Speaking of heart issues, I have a list of supplements to help a dog with heart problems. I have actually seen living proof of a drastic change in dogs that were coughing their heads off..even on heart meds. After giving a cocktail of herbs and supplements, this cough was reduced drastically or eliminated all together in a short period of time. Again these supplements can and do benefit an older dog and one with joint issues. Every dog is different and everything out there that helps one dog, may not help another. So it is a constant job of trying to find that right mixture that helps. And as luck would have it, once you find that mixture, it stops working and so here you are looking for a different solution. This is why it is important to learn EVERYTHING you can so that you have options when that day comes.
I feel acupuncture, laser therapy, hydrotherapy, Adequan injections, a homemade diet, reducing/eliminating vaccines along with reduction or better yet elimination of pain medications and adding supplements is a terrific treatment for your dog. Don't forget your added supplements of fish oil, vitamin E, probiotics and digestive enzymes, & magnesium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate or Rosehips for vit C. There is so much more you can do but that's a good start. Copyright © Holistic And Organix Pet Shoppe/Canine Arthritis And Joint |
**Canine Arthritis And Joint is intended for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or treat any health condition. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect your pet might have a health problem. The opinions expressed by Canine Arthritis And Joint are not to be replaced for medical care. This website and the information contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and opinions on Canine Arthritis And Joint are not intended and cannot be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This applies to people and pets!
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